Wrongful Death Lawsuits
In the case of wrongful death, the surviving family members of the deceased may file a lawsuit. The statute that governs wrongful death claims enumerates several grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit. A wrongful death lawsuit can be quite complex and is best left to experienced attorneys. But the process can be very rewarding. A skilled attorney can help you determine whether you have a viable case and will work to maximize the amount of compensation you receive.
Types of Wrongful Death Claims
A wrongful death claim begins with proving that the person responsible for the victim’s death acted negligently or deliberately. It must also be clear that the person who caused the death failed to exercise reasonable care to keep the surviving family members safe. A wrongful death lawsuit must be successful if the negligence or misconduct resulted in the victim’s death and significant damages. If you have a valid case, it’s vital to contact an attorney right away.
A wrongful death case can also involve a defective product. Manufacturers spend considerable time testing their products, but they are not immune to claims. Toxic foods, unsafe children’s products, and faulty automobiles are all examples of products that can cause death. One recent case involved a wrongful death lawsuit filed by a Sarasota, FL mother. The case settled for an undisclosed amount; however, it was reported that a previous similar case was settled for $50 million.