Why Use an Email Validity Checker?
Email is an essential tool for professional and personal communication in the digital age. However, even a well-crafted email message can be sent to a non-existent or invalid email address, leading to bounces and poor delivery. This can damage your sender reputation, which may impact how your future messages are received.
To avoid these problems, marketers use an email validity checker, which enables them to identify and remove invalid or non-functional addresses from their mailing lists before sending. This helps them reduce bounce rates, improve delivery success, and protect their sender reputation.
Ensuring Accuracy: Using an Email Validity Checker
Most services check whether an email address has the correct format, and if it exists on a reliable domain. They also look for syntax errors, such as missing @ symbols or invalid characters like underscores ( ) or exclamation marks (!). Some checks also look for catch-all addresses, which are real but are used by spammers to trap legitimate emails.
Adding email validation to your marketing processes is one of the easiest ways to improve deliverability and reduce bounce rates. For example, Rejoiner clients that implemented email validation saw a 12% reduction in the number of valid addresses they were accidentally sending to over a 60-day period, and this helped them avoid getting placed on blocklists. It takes just minutes and a few dollars to validate your email list, but it can save you time, resources, and money in the long run.